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IEO Virtual Seminar: A Renewed Commitment: SDGs in a Post-COVID World
IEO Virtual Seminar: Using Nature to Stabilize Climate- A COP27 and CBD15 Progress Report
IEO Virtual Seminar: The End of Austerity? Fiscal Policy as a Counter Cyclical Tool
Prof Jeffrey Sachs - Building Back Better: Sustainability Post-COVID-19
NEC 2022 | Stream C6 - Evaluating the SDGs
T20 Italy Inception Conference
gLocal Evaluation Week Webinar - A Self-assessment Online Tool for National Evaluation Diagnostics
Webinar - Rethinking data governance for inclusive and sustainable development
2020 UNDP Rule of Law Annual Meeting
IEO UNDP Evaluation Guidelines: Evaluation Plans
Halki Summit IV: COVID-19 and Climate Change - Impact On Nature
Policy Priorities for the Road to a Sustainable Job Recovery